6 broadband tips to keep everyone in the festive spirit
Festive movie marathons, family video calls and that timeless Vicar of Dibley Christmas special. It really is the season to be jolly…
Festive movie marathons, family video calls and that timeless Vicar of Dibley Christmas special. It really is the season to be jolly…
Many broadband providers can’t wait to tell you how superfast, ultrafast or hyperfast their broadband is.
You’re about to score the winning goal / capture the flag / complete the fastest lap when suddenly, everything on the screen freezes. What do you do? Shout? Throw the controller? Curse the gaming gods? All of the above?
From kids’ screentime to logging off work, your eero keeps you in control of devices without even having to think about it.
There's lots of general noise about just how good full-fibre broadband is, but we realised it would probably help to dive into the detail and give our top 5 reasons to switch, so you can see for yourself.
The eero Pro 6E router is built for speed. And security. And reliability. And simplicity. And, well, everything you ever wanted your router to be. It can keep over 100 devices connected without breaking a sweat. So you can stream, game and WFH at the same time.
The great thing about streaming is you can watch films or listen to music or podcasts all day long without having to download and store big files. The only thing you need (apart from an understanding partner) is plenty of broadband speed.
By the end of the year, 7.2 million UK homes are predicted to own at least one smart home device. But even if your fridge isn’t sending you regular milk-based status reports yet, your home’s probably way smarter than you think. And it needs broadband to match.