
Shaping our new Cuckoo values

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Team Cuckoo | Cuckoo HQ

Imagine bringing together over 300 people from different companies, cultures, backgrounds and experiences into one new company. How do you get those people to feel like one? Well, you ask them one simple question: What values do you want to have to make you feel like you belong at Cuckoo? .

Where it began

It all began back in September when we gathered our fantastic EC (that's the Executive Committee, in case you were wondering) to answer seven strategic questions. Why seven, you ask? Well, it's a magic number, and we wanted to create something truly enchanting!

These questions would gather our ECs experiences and thoughts on what values and behaviours create a great place to work. 

After our EC, we rolled up our sleeves and ran the same workshop with our extraordinary ELT (that's the Executive Leadership Team – see, we love our acronyms).

And just when you thought things couldn't get crazier, we decided to let the entire Cuckoo Flock (our employees) in on the fun! Yes, all our amazing team got their turn to share their inputs into what they feel takes a company from being ‘good’ to ‘eggceptional’.

So, where did we end up?

Through the workshops, we gathered over 70 value statements. This gave us a collective view across the company and real insight into what our people want to see from us as a business and from each other.

But as they say, too many cooks in the kitchen can lead to chaos. So, our brilliant People Team took on the task of sifting through all the brilliance to find the common threads.

After hours of deliberation and a few cups of strong coffee, we emerged with three shining stars – our core values!

So there you have it, We are united , We Are different and We are Cuckoo . We united our people in our approach to creating our values, we took different opinions, experiences and behaviours, and wrapped it all up into three values that we can look back on, be proud of and celebrate going forward.

Now, you might wonder what these values mean for you. The answer is simple: they underpin everything we do. Whether you're a Cuckoo employee, a customer, or a friend of our brand, these values guide our actions and shape the experiences we create.

Today, we're thrilled to launch these values internally, and we can't wait to share the magic with all of you. So, here's to unity, originality, and being a little Cuckoo. Because at the end of the day, who said broadband can't be fun?

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