View from the nest: Jodie

A day at Cuckoo as a Broadband Eggspert

Cuckoo Broadband Eggspert Jodie

Jodie Parman | Broadband Eggspert

Jodie shares what it's like to spend a day helping the flock...

What does your typical day look like?

Working for a startup means that everyday is different. Typically my day involves answering customer queries and troubleshooting faults. The first chunk of my day I spend working through emails and liaising with our network provider to make sure that any customers with connection issues are back up and running as soon as possible.

My afternoons are spent balancing emails and calls from our customers and answering any queries they may have. These range from “How can I pay my bill?” To “I’ve accidentally cut my phone line, help!”

On-top of my typical duties I often take part in different training sessions. This is one of my favourite things about the role as it means I am constantly improving my knowledge and skills. Training involves anything from how we can do more to help our vulnerable customers to gaining more in-depth knowledge about the Openreach network from our in-house engineer.

Every afternoon we have a team meeting which is essential for a remote team. This a chance to vent any frustrations, chit-chat about how we’ve been feeling and play the occasional game (Scriblio is a team favourite).

What do you love about working for Cuckoo?

The people! Both my colleagues and customers are what makes my job so enjoyable. I am surrounded by such passionate and talented people which means that I am constantly learning new things. As we’re such a small team I spend time with colleagues across  different departments (brand, tech, corporate) that I would never have even spoken to in a bigger company.

And obviously the customers are a huge part of my job. I love engaging with a multitude of different personalities and love helping them to get the most out of our service.

Everyone at Cuckoo is focused solely on the customer and making broadband frictionless for our customers. It is refreshing to be surrounded by colleagues who genuinely care so much!

What have you learnt since joining Cuckoo?

So much! I’ll be the first to admit that I knew very little about broadband before joining Cuckoo in August. The onboarding process was amazing but involved a lot of information plugging which admittedly left me feeling a little overwhelmed. However I adapted very quickly and this was mainly due to the support from my incredible team. I learnt that there is definitely no such thing as a stupid question and there wasn’t one team member who wasn’t there if I needed to reach out for guidance.

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